The goal of panstarrs package is to access PanSTARRS data archive.
You can install the released version of panstarrs with:
# devtools::install_github('uskovgs/PanSTARRS')
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
coords <- ps1_mast_resolve('Antennae')
ps1_image_color(ra = coords$ra,
dec = coords$decl,
format = 'png',
size = 400) %>%
fits_image_url <- ps1_image_url(ra = coords$ra,
dec = coords$decl,
size = 1280,
filter = "r",
format = "fits")
# fits_image <- FITSio::readFITS(fits_image_url)
ps1_crossmatch(ra = c(268.70342, 168.87258),
dec = c(71.54292, 60.75153),
release = 'dr2',
table = 'mean') %>%
select(MatchRA, MatchDEC, dstArcSec, `_searchID_`, objName) %>%
arrange(`_searchID_`, dstArcSec)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 5
#> MatchRA MatchDEC dstArcSec `_searchID_` objName
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>
#> 1 269. 71.5 1.25 0 PSO J268.7044+71.5430
#> 2 269. 71.5 1.72 0 PSO J268.7033+71.5434
#> 3 269. 71.5 1.83 0 PSO J268.7023+71.5425
#> 4 269. 71.5 2.23 0 PSO J268.7053+71.5428
#> 5 269. 71.5 2.91 0 PSO J268.7053+71.5424
#> 6 269. 71.5 2.97 0 PSO J268.7059+71.5431
#> 7 169. 60.8 0.470 1 PSO J168.8729+60.7515
#> 8 169. 60.8 1.61 1 PSO J168.8733+60.7512