nh(213.1612728, -65.38967664, r_arcmin=5, showInfo = T)
#> _r recno HPX RAJ2000 DEJ2000 GLON GLAT NHI
#> "arcmin" " " " " "deg" "deg" "deg" "deg" "cm-2"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 8
#> `_r` recno HPX RAJ2000 DEJ2000 GLON GLAT NHI
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1.93 6710742 6710741 213. -65.4 311. -3.81 5.14e21
#> 2 2.30 6714838 6714837 213. -65.4 311. -3.84 5.02e21
#> 3 2.61 6718934 6718933 213. -65.4 311. -3.88 5.03e21
#> 4 3.01 6714839 6714838 213. -65.4 311. -3.84 5.12e21
#> 5 4.72 6706646 6706645 213. -65.3 311. -3.77 5.13e21
#> ----
#> This value is derived from the 2D HI4PI map,
#> a full-sky HI survey by the HI4PI collaboration 2016,
#> Astronomy & Astrophysics, 594, A116.
#> ----
#> *RA target: 213.1612728
#> *DEC target: -65.38967664
#> RA range [213.0238, 213.2793]
#> DEC range [-65.4288, -65.3357]
#> Average mean nH (cm**-2): 5.09e+21
#> Weighted average nH (cm**-2): 5.109e+21
#> [1] 5.108978e+21
# in degrees
x1 <- ra_dec(ra = 213.1, dec = -75.1)
# in hms dms
x2 <- radec('14h1m1s -75d15m23.68s')
# separation in arcsec
separation(x1, x2)
#> [1] 2680.447
# get RA value
#> [1] 210.2542
# get DEC value
#> [1] -75.25658
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