Make guidance image
pixel_scale = NULL,
r_arcsec = NULL,
radec = NULL,
colors = NULL,
label = NULL,
label_size = 2,
circle_lwd = 1,
scale_lwd = 1,
scale_txt_size = 1,
compass_lwd = 1,
level.lo = 0.6,
level.hi = 0.99,
arrow_radec = NULL,
arrow_size = 1,
arrow_lwd = 1,
arrow_color = "red",
show_wcs_compass = TRUE,
show_image_scale = TRUE
image of class matrix...
header with keywords...
scale in units arcsec/pixel; for ps1dr2 0.25"/pixel
vector of radiuses of each circle
astro_radec vector
colors of circles
main image label
size of main label
linewidth of circle regions
linewidth of scale line
text size of scale
linewidth of compass lines
level of image grayscale; default 0.6
level of image grayscale; default 0.99
If FALSE, do not show WCS compass on image. If TRUE show the WCS compass...
If FALSE, do not show scale legend on image. If TRUE show the legend of scale on image...
if (FALSE) {
par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
hdr = fix_header_ps1(f$hdr),
radec = c(radec("J010744.2+574428"),
r_arcsec = c(30, 5),
colors = c('blue', 'red'),
pixel_scale = 0.25,label = "SRGA",
show_image_scale = TRUE,
show_wcs_compass = TRUE)